I am still deciding if i like this technique or not. This is my first attempt at “Cathedral Windows” so i have no other technique to compare it to. Vicki from Tozz’s Corner is using a different method and she has a link to a tutorial on it, I will give the other method a try when I have finished this little wall hanging. The method I am using has a lot of hand stitching which suits my needs at the moment and it is coming along.
I still have more windows to sew in and do something to the edges (I haven’t been shown that step yet). The group of ladies i am doing it with all seem to be enjoying it even if we do complain, or maybe that is just me complaining!
I also had a bit of a clean up of the sewing room after purchasing a new set of drawers from Ikea (I love Ikea). This led to cleaning up the garage which my son is currently residing in lol and at the end of the day I feel more organised and in control.
I have pretty much filled the bottom two drawers but still have room in the top drawer but that probably wont last long!
My next task will be culling my ever growing stack of magazines. I think I have a problem, I can’t seem to stop buying them and I’m convinced if I throw one out that will be the ONE that I need.
This may not look that bad but I have a pile next to my bed and some on a few other surfaces around the place. I just hate discarding them, I did start putting stick-it flags on the projects i liked but I haven’t kept up with that bright idea. Maybe it is a winter job!
Has anyone got a good method of sorting them? I would love to hear about it.
Take care Annie
PS: Speaking of the change of season don’t forget to put the 21st March in to your diary for the next Friday Night Sew In