Sep 29, 2010

Irene’s quilt

This is a project I have been working on for a little while and I was finally able to give Irene her quilt. Photo0360 Irene is my aunty and only 10years older than me and has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is currently undergoing chemotherapy. The quilt has been a family collaboration, this picture shows part of the back of the quilt where family members from near and far were able to send Irene messages of support.Photo0353

We all know that cancer is no match for the strength of Irene.

We all want her to know that we are there for her every step of the way and the messages on the quilt come from everyone's heart.

Love you Irene


Sep 19, 2010

loose Change


I think this pattern is usually referred to as a coin quilt? Or something along those lines. It came about when I was cleaning up my sewing room really it was just making new piles and moving them to a new place and then replacing that pile with another one, quite futile really. Anyway I came across a partly used “jelly roll” of this cute pink range and some Moda basic jelly roll in white and this quilt was made in an instant it felt, well the top was and as I’m sure anyone who reads this blog will know the finished product may take awhile I have called it “Loose Change” as it really just came together out of not much and I will use the left over rectangles to make a couple of quilts for the hospital delivery suite.


I have also been making some little fabric shoes for Imogen, I googled baby shoe patterns and quite a few came up but are often a repeat or very similar of the same pattern the one I ended up using was a “Kimono Baby Shoe created by Aimee Larsen from The other one which I didn’t use is called Cloth Baby Shoe but didn’t give credit to any designer, so I’m not sure I felt like I looked at so many it all became a blur. For the front pair I drafted a pattern from an existing pair that we had and made them a bit smaller. They were fun but fiddly to make but looked oh so cute on.IMG_2763

Oopps forgot to singe the ribbon!


Sep 16, 2010

Quilt for Sue

I read about this story on a blog friends blog and it really touched me. Lizzie's friend Sue is dying and she is putting a quilt together for her and is asking for "orphan" blocks of any size. Please visit and read her story it is not mine to tell and if you can help please contact her.

Sep 11, 2010

Fabulous Friday Follow" />
Hi I have just joined this group and it seems like a fun way to get to see lots of different blogs and increase followers to your blog, there are more details at the bottom of the linky thing , so join and we can all join in the fun!