Mar 31, 2010

March OPAM

Well March hasn’t been as productive as i thought it would be, I has high hopes of having one or two other projects finished but as they say “the best laid plans…………….” not sure how that finishes but you get the drift.

SANY0372 This is a tool belt i finished for a 3yr olds birthday. I got the pattern off SEWN blog. This blog has great quick tutorials that make sewing a breeze.

SANY0411 And these are 5 of the sweetest dolls you could ever make. They are Kokeshi Dolls by Melly & Me. I started off with one but they are too irresistible  to stop at one. I will use one as a drop for the Toy Society and the rest are well I’m not sure what for.


SANY0416This is also the 3rd BOM from Vicki from Tozzs Corner not an OPAM finish but a finish none the less. The 4th BOM will be available from tomorrow.

On a different note I am now the mother of a new “learner” driver (insert scared face). Although I have been through it twice before (not well) I could have cried when she drove up with her “L” plates on, she looked so grown up I felt so old. :(

Take care on the roads  love Annie

Mar 20, 2010

March Friday Night Sew-In

Rabbits rabbits everywhere!

I think they really do multiply. We started off so well making the Easter Bunnies from the latest homespun magazine. Kristen and I had gone shopping for gingham material, toy fill and any other bits and pieces that we needed the night before, we were women on a mission.

We placed our order for Fish n chips, coke and chocolate were on hand and in good supply, machines ready (seriously Kristen get that machine serviced).

And so it began, we caught up with any news we had missed although this week we all saw each other much more than we normally do on some happy and one sadly at a funeral for a loved member of our community.

we were about an hour into it when unfortunately Kristen felt ill and had to go home but the rest of us soldiered on, there were bunnies to be sewn, stuffed and assembled.

Well we got to the sewn and mostly stuffed stage


We didn’t actually get any finished and will probably need to have another night but this is our work so far.

Hope you feel better soon Kristen, we know you weren’t just trying to get out of sewing, right?

Love Annie

Mar 14, 2010


It was Sue’s birthday through the week and Helen, Kristen, Sue and I went out for afternoon-tea today. We went over to Morpeth in the Hunter Valley and had a great time talking and laughing as we always do.

Kristen made Sue a lovely doll called “Faith” and Helen gave her some lovely lotion and soap and I made her a pair of socks! Last year I made both Helen and Kristen socks but poor Sue missed out, I’m not sure why maybe i just ran out of winter! So i finished the pair I had started last year and she got them for her birthday.SANY0360 SANY0364 SANY0362

I packaged them up in silicone cupcake cases and made a Molten Chocolate Mug cake to go with them.

On Friday night we are getting together for the Friday-Nigh-Sew-In and we have decided to make the Bunny’s from the latest edition of “Homespun” by Cath Walker, Colleen Ekstrom and Julie Roche of Angels in Disguise. I can’t wait.

Happy Birthday Sue


Mar 10, 2010

style your blog

Hi just a quick post to let you know that Mikelle from “My Style Backgrounds” is hosting a useful giveaway. She is giving everyone the chance to win a Blog makeover, I love the sound of that!


We had our Tuesday night group last night but no updates on the cathedral windows project so i will have to wait for the next instructions until the 23/3/10 which is our next meeting.

What I did discover however was that the windows were much easier to put in if you glued them first instead of pinning. I hate when your thread gets stuck on pins and they dig into you and well you get the Photo0142Photo0143picture. I used Sewline pen glue   and it it held it really well during stitching and didn’t cause stiffness. I have used this method with my Dresden plates but was about 3/4 through the windows before i thought about doing it I know a bit slow! Anyway that's my tip of the week. Lol

Enjoy whatever you are doing Annie

Mar 7, 2010

So so Sunday

I have had a bit of a so  so weekend (as opposed to sew sew weekend), Brian is in New Orleans for a conference and while I am fairly use to him being absent he is usually home on weekends and I have really missed him. I have also missed all the running around he does on the weekend which gives me precious sewing time. As a result i don’t have a lot to show except good intentions.  I have been wanting to make these little dolls from the Melly & Me book “Kaleidoscope”


The dolls are called Kokeshi Dolls and are just so sweet only about 7” high. I didn’t have any black homespun for the hair so mine is a bit punk looking with her pink hair and  a very smug look on her face. I think she has a secret.Photo0139 I need to work on the curved seam for her head and body placement a bit better as I have only just caught the seam when sewing the front and back together.

On other news Vicki from Tozz’s Corner is having a 2nd Blog Birthday giveaway, well worth a look!

Also I got the date wrong for the next Friday Night Sew-In it is of course the 19th March not the 21st as in my last post. Sorry about that but I’m sure you were all clever enough to figure out my mistake.

Kristen, Sue, Helen and i are getting together again, i can’t wait. Maybe I’ll have a few of these cute dolls to show you after that.

Have a great week Annie